Support for software und hardware
Support for label printing problems
Explanation competence in many languages
If software or hardware malfunctions occur, our technical team is at your side worldwide. Our employees at eXtra4 support you in German and English. By prior arrangement, communication is also possible in French, Spanish and Russian.
The direct line to fast help
Support on your own computer
For online support, we use standard eXtra4 software based on Internet telephony. It allows us to access the user's computer directly from anywhere in the world. The user can follow the events on his own screen and interrupt the connection at any time. We work with the following proven support tools:A double click on a logo opens the corresponding software for download on your computer.
How to reach eXtra4 support
Mo to Thu: 8.00-12.00 and 13.00 - 16.00
Friday: 8.00-12.00
Technical expertise concentrated in separate subsidiary
Our support know-how at eXtra4 is based on more than three decades of experience with label printing systems. Since 2016, we have outsourced this wealth of experience to eXtra4 Software+Service GmbH, a legally independent company that bundles the sectors of software for labelling and identification including associated services such as support and hardware support.First-aid support included
For some time now, we have observed that label printing users are facing increasing problems as operating systems and hardware become more and more complicated. Therefore, every purchaser of hardware or software from the eXtra4 range automatically acquires together with the product an appropriate support contingent for first aid. It is already included in the stated product price and is deposited with the serial or licence number of the product for the purchaser.
Remuneration for support services
If help is needed beyond the support contingent already included in the hardware or software price, we charge for the required time by units of six minutes each.

Handling of support transactions
We accept support requests verbally, by telephone, or in writing, by e-mail. The requester receives an immediate confirmation of his support order by e-mail under his individual transaction number. Members of the eXtra4 support team will contact the person asking for help by phone in a timely manner.
Arising support times will be charged with at least two support units according to expenditure. Invoicing takes place under the individual number of the support transaction after the malfunction has been eliminated.