Labels for Pearls / Jewellery Labels for Strands of Beads / Bead Labels
Pearl strands as any strands of beads make special demands on jewellery labels. At the same time as individual labelling, users also want tamper-proof sealing of the strand's open end. The label should reliably prevent beads from being lost, exchanged or stolen unnoticed. For this purpose, the bead label and bead strand are connected with a metal eyelet so that the attached label seals the strand and protects it from unauthorised access.
The pearl label therefore needs a precisely fitting opening so that an eyelet can be inserted and sealed to the label material by closing the label. After closing, the eyelet must not be able to be removed from the label without damaging it.
The pearl label therefore needs a precisely fitting opening so that an eyelet can be inserted and sealed to the label material by closing the label. After closing, the eyelet must not be able to be removed from the label without damaging it.

Individual Labels for Pearls and Beads
Custom-made examples of pearl labels and bead labels

We develop label shapes for strands of pearls and beads according to individual requirements. They are always self-adhesive and designed for marking in label printers. For handwriting, it is also possible to mark our pearl labels with a suitable pen. We can colour suitable adhesive materials as required and print them with a lettering or logo. Hot foil stamping is also possible.
Labels for Pearls and Beads with protective cover
Pearl labels are particularly effective as WrapTags. Here, two additional label fields made of glossy, transparent foil are wrapped around the printed inscription fields as the label is folded and enclose them. Pearl labels as WrapTags have a higher stability, carry more weight and are less sensitive to dirt.
Pearl labels for hanging
Jewellery labels for pearls and beads often also have to take into account that strands of pearls and beads are stored hanging. Pearl labels therefore also require an opening for the hanging device. Accordingly, labels for strands of pearls and beads must have sufficient strength to carry a certain weight without being damaged.Accessories
for pearl and bead labels
Metal eyelets for pearl and bead labels as well as the necessary eyeletting machine for sealing can be found in the "Accessories" section.
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