Labelling software
Applications for marking goods and identifying objects
"Labelling means attaching information to objects." - This is the basis of our understanding when we at eXtra4 develop software for different application fields of labelling.
• Identification of objects by label printing
• Structuring objects using hierarchical groups
• Management of objects by storing them in a database
• Control of object movements and stock
• Processing procedures via individual transactions
Labelling as the path to the goal
For eXtra4, labelling is not an end in itself, but a means to an end. The end of our software is always "organization from scratch". With our applications, we succeed in building organizational structures and processes step by step - from simple to complex. Our users decide for themselves how far they want to go:• Identification of objects by label printing
• Structuring objects using hierarchical groups
• Management of objects by storing them in a database
• Control of object movements and stock
• Processing procedures via individual transactions

Success factor "KISS" principle
We at eXtra4 develop software according to the "KISS" principle, i.e. "Keep It Small and Simple". We keep all the functions of an application as simple as possible so that work with our labeling software goes smoothly for users, safely and error-free.
„KISS" has been the basis of our success for over 30 years. The experience of our software team is relied upon for labelling around the globe. Several thousand licensees of eXtra4 applications place their trust in us today. They are the benchmark of our success.
Software expertise concentrated in separate subsidiary
Since 2016, the know-how in the field of software for labelling and identification including associated services has been bundled in an independent company, eXtra4 Software+Service GmbH.
Support from labelling experts
Operating systems and hardware are becoming increasingly complex and susceptible to faults. This is why eXtra4 enables everyone - even users who are not yet customers of eXtra4 - to rely on the competence of a qualified support team.
First-aid support included
Every purchaser of eXtra4 software automatically acquires together with the product an appropriate support contingent for first aid. It is already included in the stated product price and is deposited with the licence number of the software for the purchaser.
© 2024 Ferdinand Eisele GmbH • Carl-Benz-Str. 17 • D-75217 Birkenfeld (Pforzheim) • Tel. +49 7231 9479-0